We try to make volunteering it’s own benefit, especially in being an integral part of everything that we do. But we also offer some yummy benefits to our volunteers to say thank you for your hard work too.
Benefits include free memberships, event passes, even rental hours at Wicked Eden!
General Volunteers
- Get 10% off everything (except alcohol)
- Free admission to the event they’re working (this is not included in the perks below)
- Our undying love and appreciation!
First Tier
Second Tier
Third Tier
Fourth Tier
Fifth Tier
*Free Event Passes apply to any event, but you must hold an active Membership for Members-Only Events **Membership perks are for the volunteer that has worked the required hours. Membership is upgraded as new tiers of perks are reached. There are no additional Memberships
Command Team Benefits
To qualify: 3 month minimum commitment: 1-10 hours per week commitment (2-4 hours a week on average). Team leads will sign off on coordinator performance.
- Access to Command team volunteer-only events
- Volunteer t-shirt
- Involvement in everything we do!
Command Team Tier 1: 3 months
Command Team Tier 2: 6 month
Command Team Tier 3: 1 year
See available roles here: Join the Command Team
Team Leads & Co-Leads
To qualify: 6 month minimum commitment:
5-15 hours per week commitment (5-8 hours a week on average)
Team Lead Tier 1: 6 months
Team Lead Tier 2: 1 year
Team Lead Tier 3: 2 years
See available roles here: Join the Command Team
Rental Policies
Rental hours must adhere to normal rental hours (1 additional person included, other people incur an additional fee). Rentals must be scheduled with leadership team and volunteers must receive a orientation.