Once your application has been approved, it’s time for you to sign up for an in-person orientation!
Sign up for the next Volunteer Orientation here:
We use Signup Genius to manage all of our shift and orientation signups. You can now access everything from one page! Orientation opportunities will appear as they become available.
How often are orientations?
We host volunteer orientation once a month, usually on Sundays. If you can’t attend an upcoming orientation, or there is no orientation scheduled before the next event, but want to be trained to volunteer for an upcoming event, reach out to the volunteer team lead at volunteer@autonomyproject.org for opportunities where you can shadow someone.
Please be aware that if you’re looking to volunteer for an event in the next few days/week, we may or may not be able to accommodate a training shift. It all depends on who’s available to help you get up to speed. But it never hurts to ask in the Discord!